git checkout closure-compiler-maven-plugin
cd closure-compiler-maven-plugin mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -B -V -fae -q -T2 mvn -e verify -B
The above will first install a copy of the plugin in your local maven repository so that it is available for running the integration tests of the second command.
Checkout the .travis.yml or the appveyor.yml for the latest instructions on this.
Use the following commands to check for dependency (and plugin) updates:
mvn -U org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.5:display-dependency-updates
to check for plugin updates and run:
mvn -U org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.5:display-plugin-updates
to check for plugin updates.
Assuming the requirements for pushing to the OSRRH repository are set up, eg. account, gpg signature,... use the following commands:
mvn -Prelease clean release:clean release:prepare mvn -Prelease release:perform
Note that the nexus-staging-maven-plugin will throw an exception Unhandled: Missing staging repository: nlgeodienstencentrum-...
because we're deploying straight away during release.
Then (optionally) deploy the site to github:
cd target/checkout mvn site-deploy
Update and push the release notes to reflect the new release cycle.
cd ../.. mvn release:clean clean
And then update the release notes for the next release.