View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * This file is a part of the SchemaSpy project (
3    * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 John Currier
4    *
5    * SchemaSpy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9    *
10   * SchemaSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   *
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17   * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18   */
19  package net.sourceforge.schemaspy.view;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import java.text.NumberFormat;
24  import java.util.HashMap;
25  import java.util.HashSet;
26  import java.util.Iterator;
27  import java.util.Map;
28  import java.util.Set;
29  import java.util.TreeSet;
30  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.Config;
31  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.Database;
32  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.ForeignKeyConstraint;
33  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.Table;
34  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.TableColumn;
35  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.TableIndex;
36  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.model.View;
37  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.util.CaseInsensitiveMap;
38  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.util.HtmlEncoder;
39  import net.sourceforge.schemaspy.util.LineWriter;
41  /**
42   * The page that contains the details of a specific table or view
43   *
44   * @author John Currier
45   */
46  public class HtmlTablePage extends HtmlFormatter {
47      private static final HtmlTablePage instance = new HtmlTablePage();
48      private int columnCounter = 0;
50      private final Map<String, String> defaultValueAliases = new HashMap<String, String>();
51      {
52          defaultValueAliases.put("CURRENT TIMESTAMP", "now"); // DB2
53          defaultValueAliases.put("CURRENT TIME", "now");      // DB2
54          defaultValueAliases.put("CURRENT DATE", "now");      // DB2
55          defaultValueAliases.put("SYSDATE", "now");           // Oracle
56          defaultValueAliases.put("CURRENT_DATE", "now");      // Oracle
57      }
59      /**
60       * Singleton: Don't allow instantiation
61       */
62      private HtmlTablePage() {
63      }
65      /**
66       * Singleton accessor
67       *
68       * @return the singleton instance
69       */
70      public static HtmlTablePage getInstance() {
71          return instance;
72      }
74      public WriteStats write(Database db, Table table, boolean hasOrphans, File outputDir, WriteStats stats, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
75          File diagramsDir = new File(outputDir, "diagrams");
76          boolean hasImplied = generateDots(table, diagramsDir, stats);
78          writeHeader(db, table, null, hasOrphans, out);
79          out.writeln("<table width='100%' border='0'>");
80          out.writeln("<tr valign='top'><td class='container' align='left' valign='top'>");
81          writeHeader(table, hasImplied, out);
82          out.writeln("</td><td class='container' rowspan='2' align='right' valign='top'>");
83          writeLegend(true, out);
84          out.writeln("</td><tr valign='top'><td class='container' align='left' valign='top'>");
85          writeMainTable(table, out);
86          writeNumRows(db, table, out);
87          out.writeln("</td></tr></table>");
88          writeCheckConstraints(table, out);
89          writeIndexes(table, out);
90          writeView(table, db, out);
91          writeDiagram(table, stats, diagramsDir, out);
92          writeFooter(out);
94          return stats;
95      }
97      private void writeHeader(Table table, boolean hasImplied, LineWriter html) throws IOException {
98          html.writeln("<form name='options' action=''>");
99          if (hasImplied) {
100             html.write(" <label for='implied'><input type=checkbox id='implied'");
101             if (table.isOrphan(false))
102                 html.write(" checked");
103             html.writeln(">Implied relationships</label>");
104         }
106         // initially show comments if any of the columns contain comments
107         boolean showCommentsInitially = false;
108         for (TableColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
109             if (column.getComments() != null) {
110                 showCommentsInitially = true;
111                 break;
112             }
113         }
115         html.writeln(" <label for='showRelatedCols'><input type=checkbox id='showRelatedCols'>Related columns</label>");
116         html.writeln(" <label for='showConstNames'><input type=checkbox id='showConstNames'>Constraints</label>");
117         html.writeln(" <label for='showComments'><input type=checkbox " + (showCommentsInitially  ? "checked " : "") + "id='showComments'>Comments</label>");
118         html.writeln(" <label for='showLegend'><input type=checkbox checked id='showLegend'>Legend</label>");
119         html.writeln("</form>");
120     }
122     public void writeMainTable(Table table, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
123         HtmlColumnsPage.getInstance().writeMainTableHeader(table.getId() != null, null, out);
125         out.writeln("<tbody valign='top'>");
126         Set<TableColumn> primaries = new HashSet<TableColumn>(table.getPrimaryColumns());
127         Set<TableColumn> indexedColumns = new HashSet<TableColumn>();
128         for (TableIndex index : table.getIndexes()) {
129             indexedColumns.addAll(index.getColumns());
130         }
132         boolean showIds = table.getId() != null;
133         for (TableColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
134             writeColumn(column, null, primaries, indexedColumns, false, showIds, out);
135         }
136         out.writeln("</table>");
137     }
139     public void writeColumn(TableColumn column, String tableName, Set<TableColumn> primaries, Set<TableColumn> indexedColumns, boolean slim, boolean showIds, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
140         boolean even = columnCounter++ % 2 == 0;
141         if (even)
142             out.writeln("<tr class='even'>");
143         else
144             out.writeln("<tr class='odd'>");
146         if (showIds) {
147             out.write(" <td class='detail' align='right'>");
148             out.write(String.valueOf(column.getId()));
149             out.writeln("</td>");
150         }
151         if (tableName != null) {
152             out.write(" <td class='detail'><a href='tables/");
153             out.write(encodeHref(tableName));
154             out.write(".html'>");
155             out.write(tableName);
156             out.writeln("</a></td>");
157         }
158         if (primaries.contains(column))
159             out.write(" <td class='primaryKey' title='Primary Key'>");
160         else if (indexedColumns.contains(column))
161             out.write(" <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>");
162         else
163             out.write(" <td class='detail'>");
164         out.write(column.getName());
165         out.writeln("</td>");
166         out.write(" <td class='detail'>");
167         out.write(column.getType().toLowerCase());
168         out.writeln("</td>");
169         out.write(" <td class='detail' align='right'>");
170         out.write(column.getDetailedSize());
171         out.writeln("</td>");
172         out.write(" <td class='detail' align='center'");
173         if (column.isNullable())
174             out.write(" title='nullable'>&nbsp;&radic;&nbsp;");
175         else
176             out.write(">");
177         out.writeln("</td>");
178         out.write(" <td class='detail' align='center'");
179         if (column.isAutoUpdated()) {
180             out.write(" title='Automatically updated by the database'>&nbsp;&radic;&nbsp;");
181         } else {
182             out.write(">");
183         }
184         out.writeln("</td>");
186         Object defaultValue = column.getDefaultValue();
187         if (defaultValue != null || column.isNullable()) {
188             Object alias = defaultValueAliases.get(String.valueOf(defaultValue).trim());
189             if (alias != null) {
190                 out.write(" <td class='detail' align='right' title='");
191                 out.write(String.valueOf(defaultValue));
192                 out.write("'><i>");
193                 out.write(alias.toString());
194                 out.writeln("</i></td>");
195             } else {
196                 out.write(" <td class='detail' align='right'>");
197                 out.write(String.valueOf(defaultValue));
198                 out.writeln("</td>");
199             }
200         } else {
201             out.writeln(" <td class='detail'></td>");
202         }
203         if (!slim) {
204             out.write(" <td class='detail'>");
205             String path = tableName == null ? "" : "tables/";
206             writeRelatives(column, false, path, even, out);
207             out.writeln("</td>");
208             out.write(" <td class='detail'>");
209             writeRelatives(column, true, path, even, out);
210             out.writeln(" </td>");
211         }
212         out.write(" <td class='comment detail'>");
213         String comments = column.getComments();
214         if (comments != null) {
215             if (encodeComments)
216                 for (int i = 0; i < comments.length(); ++i)
217                     out.write(HtmlEncoder.encodeToken(comments.charAt(i)));
218             else
219                 out.write(comments);
220         }
221         out.writeln("</td>");
222         out.writeln("</tr>");
223     }
225     /**
226      * Write our relatives
227      * @param tableName String
228      * @param baseRelative TableColumn
229      * @param dumpParents boolean
230      * @param out LineWriter
231      * @throws IOException
232      */
233     private void writeRelatives(TableColumn baseRelative, boolean dumpParents, String path, boolean even, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
234         Set<TableColumn> columns = dumpParents ? baseRelative.getParents() : baseRelative.getChildren();
235         final int numColumns = columns.size();
236         final String evenOdd = (even ? "even" : "odd");
238         if (numColumns > 0) {
239             out.newLine();
240             out.writeln("  <table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>");
241         }
243         for (TableColumn column : columns) {
244             String columnTableName = column.getTable().getName();
245             ForeignKeyConstraint constraint = dumpParents ? column.getChildConstraint(baseRelative) : column.getParentConstraint(baseRelative);
246             if (constraint.isImplied())
247                 out.writeln("   <tr class='impliedRelationship relative " + evenOdd + "' valign='top'>");
248             else
249                 out.writeln("   <tr class='relative " + evenOdd + "' valign='top'>");
250             out.write("    <td class='relatedTable detail' title=\"");
251             out.write(constraint.toString());
252             out.write("\">");
253             out.write("<a href='");
254             if (!column.getTable().isRemote() || Config.getInstance().isOneOfMultipleSchemas()) {
255                 out.write(path);
256                 if (column.getTable().isRemote()) {
257                     out.write("../../" + column.getTable().getSchema() + "/tables/");
258                 }
259                 out.write(encodeHref(columnTableName));
260                 out.write(".html");
261             }
262             out.write("'>");
263             out.write(columnTableName);
264             out.write("</a>");
265             out.write("<span class='relatedKey'>.");
266             out.write(column.getName());
267             out.writeln("</span>");
268             out.writeln("    </td>");
270             out.write("    <td class='constraint detail'>");
271             out.write(constraint.getName());
272             String ruleText = constraint.getDeleteRuleDescription();
273             if (ruleText.length() > 0)
274             {
275                 String ruleAlias = constraint.getDeleteRuleAlias();
276                 out.write("<span title='" + ruleText + "'>&nbsp;" + ruleAlias + "</span>");
277             }
278             out.writeln("</td>");
280             out.writeln("   </tr>");
281         }
282         if (numColumns > 0) {
283             out.writeln("  </table>");
284         }
285     }
287     private void writeNumRows(Database db, Table table, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
288         out.write("<p title='" + table.getColumns().size() + " columns'>");
289         if (displayNumRows && !table.isView()) {
290             out.write("Table contained " + NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format(table.getNumRows()) + " rows at ");
291         } else {
292             out.write("Analyzed at ");
293         }
294         out.write(db.getConnectTime());
295         out.writeln("<p/>");
296     }
298     private void writeCheckConstraints(Table table, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
299         Map<String, String> constraints = table.getCheckConstraints();
300         if (constraints != null && !constraints.isEmpty()) {
301             out.writeln("<div class='indent'>");
302             out.writeln("<b>Requirements (check constraints):</b>");
303             out.writeln("<table class='dataTable' border='1' rules='groups'><colgroup><colgroup>");
304             out.writeln("<thead>");
305             out.writeln(" <tr>");
306             out.writeln("  <th>Constraint</th>");
307             out.writeln("  <th class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>Constraint Name</th>");
308             out.writeln(" </tr>");
309             out.writeln("</thead>");
310             out.writeln("<tbody>");
311             for (String name : constraints.keySet()) {
312                 out.writeln(" <tr>");
313                 out.write("  <td class='detail'>");
314                 out.write(HtmlEncoder.encodeString(constraints.get(name).toString()));
315                 out.writeln("</td>");
316                 out.write("  <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>");
317                 out.write(name);
318                 out.writeln("</td>");
319                 out.writeln(" </tr>");
320             }
321             out.writeln("</table></div><p>");
322         }
323     }
325     private void writeIndexes(Table table, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
326         boolean showId = table.getId() != null;
327         Set<TableIndex> indexes = table.getIndexes();
328         if (indexes != null && !indexes.isEmpty()) {
329             // see if we've got any strangeness so we can have the correct number of colgroups
330             boolean containsAnomalies = false;
331             for (TableIndex index : indexes) {
332                 containsAnomalies = index.isUniqueNullable();
333                 if (containsAnomalies)
334                     break;
335             }
337             out.writeln("<div class='indent'>");
338             out.writeln("<b>Indexes:</b>");
339             out.writeln("<table class='dataTable' border='1' rules='groups'><colgroup><colgroup><colgroup><colgroup>" + (showId ? "<colgroup>" : "") + (containsAnomalies ? "<colgroup>" : ""));
340             out.writeln("<thead>");
341             out.writeln(" <tr>");
342             if (showId)
343                 out.writeln("  <th>ID</th>");
344             out.writeln("  <th>Column(s)</th>");
345             out.writeln("  <th>Type</th>");
346             out.writeln("  <th>Sort</th>");
347             out.writeln("  <th class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>Constraint Name</th>");
348             if (containsAnomalies)
349                 out.writeln("  <th>Anomalies</th>");
350             out.writeln(" </tr>");
351             out.writeln("</thead>");
352             out.writeln("<tbody>");
354             indexes = new TreeSet<TableIndex>(indexes); // sort primary keys first
356             for (TableIndex index : indexes) {
357                 out.writeln(" <tr>");
359                 if (showId) {
360                     out.write("  <td class='detail' align='right'>");
361                     out.write(String.valueOf(index.getId()));
362                     out.writeln("</td>");
363                 }
365                 if (index.isPrimaryKey())
366                     out.write("  <td class='primaryKey'>");
367                 else
368                     out.write("  <td class='indexedColumn'>");
369                 String columns = index.getColumnsAsString();
370                 if (columns.startsWith("+"))
371                     columns = columns.substring(1);
372                 out.write(columns);
373                 out.writeln("</td>");
375                 out.write("  <td class='detail'>");
376                 out.write(index.getType());
377                 out.writeln("</td>");
379                 out.write("  <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'>");
380                 Iterator<TableColumn> columnsIter = index.getColumns().iterator();
381                 while (columnsIter.hasNext()) {
382                     TableColumn column =;
383                     if (index.isAscending(column))
384                         out.write("<span title='Ascending'>Asc</span>");
385                     else
386                         out.write("<span title='Descending'>Desc</span>");
387                     if (columnsIter.hasNext())
388                         out.write("/");
389                 }
390                 out.writeln("</td>");
392                 out.write("  <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>");
393                 out.write(index.getName());
394                 out.writeln("</td>");
396                 if (index.isUniqueNullable()) {
397                     if (index.getColumns().size() == 1)
398                         out.writeln("  <td class='detail'>This unique column is also nullable</td>");
399                     else
400                         out.writeln("  <td class='detail'>These unique columns are also nullable</td>");
401                 } else if (containsAnomalies) {
402                     out.writeln("  <td>&nbsp;</td>");
403                 }
404                 out.writeln(" </tr>");
405             }
406             out.writeln("</table>");
407             out.writeln("</div>");
408         }
409     }
411     private void writeView(Table table, Database db, LineWriter out) throws IOException {
412         String sql;
413         if (table.isView() && (sql = table.getViewSql()) != null) {
414             Map<String, Table> tables = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Table>();
416             for (Table t : db.getTables())
417                 tables.put(t.getName(), t);
418             for (View v : db.getViews())
419                 tables.put(v.getName(), v);
421             Set<Table> references = new TreeSet<Table>();
422             String formatted = Config.getInstance().getSqlFormatter().format(sql, db, references);
424             out.writeln("<div class='indent spacer'>");
425             out.writeln("  View Definition:");
426             out.writeln(formatted);
427             out.writeln("</div>");
428             out.writeln("<div class='spacer'>&nbsp;</div>");
430             if (!references.isEmpty()) {
431                 out.writeln("<div class='indent'>");
432                 out.writeln("  Possibly Referenced Tables/Views:");
433                 out.writeln("  <div class='viewReferences'>");
434                 out.write("  ");
435                 for (Table t : references) {
436                     out.write("<a href='");
437                     out.write(encodeHref(t.getName()));
438                     out.write(".html'>");
439                     out.write(t.getName());
440                     out.write("</a>&nbsp;");
441                 }
443                 out.writeln("  </div>");
444                 out.writeln("</div><p/>");
445             }
447         }
448     }
450     /**
451      * Generate the .dot file(s) to represent the specified table's relationships.
452      *
453      * Generates a <TABLENAME>.dot if the table has real relatives.
454      *
455      * Also generates a <TABLENAME> if the table has implied relatives within
456      * two degrees of separation.
457      *
458      * @param table Table
459      * @param diagramsDir File
460      * @throws IOException
461      * @return boolean <code>true</code> if the table has implied relatives within two
462      *                 degrees of separation.
463      */
464     private boolean generateDots(Table table, File diagramDir, WriteStats stats) throws IOException {
465         File oneDegreeDotFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + "");
466         File oneDegreeDiagramFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + ".1degree.png");
467         File twoDegreesDotFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + "");
468         File twoDegreesDiagramFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + ".2degrees.png");
469         File impliedDotFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + "");
470         File impliedDiagramFile = new File(diagramDir, table.getName() + ".implied2degrees.png");
472         // delete before we start because we'll use the existence of these files to determine
473         // if they should be turned into pngs & presented
474         oneDegreeDotFile.delete();
475         oneDegreeDiagramFile.delete();
476         twoDegreesDotFile.delete();
477         twoDegreesDiagramFile.delete();
478         impliedDotFile.delete();
479         impliedDiagramFile.delete();
481         if (table.getMaxChildren() + table.getMaxParents() > 0) {
482             Set<ForeignKeyConstraint> impliedConstraints;
484             DotFormatter formatter = DotFormatter.getInstance();
485             LineWriter dotOut = new LineWriter(oneDegreeDotFile, Config.DOT_CHARSET);
486             WriteStats oneStats = new WriteStats(stats);
487             formatter.writeRealRelationships(table, false, oneStats, dotOut);
488             dotOut.close();
490             dotOut = new LineWriter(twoDegreesDotFile, Config.DOT_CHARSET);
491             WriteStats twoStats = new WriteStats(stats);
492             impliedConstraints = formatter.writeRealRelationships(table, true, twoStats, dotOut);
493             dotOut.close();
495             if (oneStats.getNumTablesWritten() + oneStats.getNumViewsWritten() == twoStats.getNumTablesWritten() + twoStats.getNumViewsWritten()) {
496                 twoDegreesDotFile.delete(); // no different than before, so don't show it
497             }
499             if (!impliedConstraints.isEmpty()) {
500                 dotOut = new LineWriter(impliedDotFile, Config.DOT_CHARSET);
501                 formatter.writeAllRelationships(table, true, stats, dotOut);
502                 dotOut.close();
503                 return true;
504             }
505         }
507         return false;
508     }
510     private void writeDiagram(Table table, WriteStats stats, File diagramsDir, LineWriter html) throws IOException {
511         if (table.getMaxChildren() + table.getMaxParents() > 0) {
512             html.writeln("<table width='100%' border='0'><tr><td class='container'>");
513             if (HtmlTableDiagrammer.getInstance().write(table, diagramsDir, html)) {
514                 html.writeln("</td></tr></table>");
515                 writeExcludedColumns(stats.getExcludedColumns(), table, html);
516             } else {
517                 html.writeln("</td></tr></table><p>");
518                 writeInvalidGraphvizInstallation(html);
519             }
520         }
521     }
523     @Override
524     protected String getPathToRoot() {
525         return "../";
526     }
527 }